Whether you need to correct the deviation of the nasal septum or you want aesthetics, rhinoplasty is the third most requested aesthetic surgery by the Italian, with an exponential growth of men who undergo interventions to improve the features of the nose and face . According to the most updated data, released by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 15% of patients are male.
What drives men to resort to cosmetic surgery?
The reasons may be different, but the problems that arise from a deviated septum, often due to trauma, cannot be endured for long. Breathing difficulties are only one of the discomforts of those with an unaligned septum, since much more boring problems come into play: greater risk of infections, congestion and dripping, headaches, sleep apnea, that decidedly not very restful sleep. A more articulated chapter is the one relating to the psychological discomfort that derives from an inappropriate nose to one's face, for any dysmorphia. Men too, often more than women, suffer from the complex of a nose that is too large or too long.
What is rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty, also known as nose reshaping surgery, is the surgery that allows you to eliminate a very difficult to hide imperfection and is often a lack of self-esteem. Although there are many types of nose, the aesthetic canons dictate the right measures so that we can distinguish the beauty of male and female traits. Modern techniques, a difference of a few years ago when a "redone nose" was recognizable at first glance, allows to obtain absolutely natural results. With rhinoplasty, the cosmetic surgeon can modify both the shape and the size of the nose to make it more harmonious and in tune with his face without distorting the physiognomy of the face of the person who has requested the surgery. Rhinoplasty is still a surgical intervention and as a story must be performed by the expert hands of established professionals in the sector. The cases of failure, linked to incompetence and lack of professionalism are constantly increasing and the so-called secondary rhinoplasty, aimed at correcting the wrong ones, are growing.
The professor. Francesco D'Andrea, president of SICPRE, invites you to be scrupulous in choosing the plastic surgeon, as in any plastic-aesthetic surgery you undergo, it is clear that not only your physical appearance is at stake, but also your health.