
Prof. Francesco D'andrea


The information contained in this site is of an informative and generic nature, therefore it must only be used for educational purposes and NOT for diagnosis on oneself or on third parties, NOT for therapeutic purposes, NOT for self-medication. In NO EVENT does the information on this site replace the opinion of a doctor. Therefore, visitors are encouraged to contact their doctor IN ANY CASE for opinions on their state of health and on any therapies to be adopted. The photos shown are purely indicative and the results may vary from patient to patient. The site managers do not assume any responsibility for damages, of any nature, that the user, drawing information from this site, could cause to himself or to third parties, deriving from improper or illegal use of the information contained in this site, or from errors and inaccuracies relating to their content, or from free interpretations, or from any action that the user of the site can undertake independently and separately from the indications of their doctor. No guarantee or accuracy is given for the information contained on this website.

Copyright. All Rights reserved by Prof. Francesco D'Andrea

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2020-11-09 18:02

Prof. Francesco D'Andrea



Blepharoplasty can be performed on the upper or lower eyelid or on both



Bags under the eyes and drooping eyelids make your eyes tired and dull? 

One of the problems that affects both the female and male population is the aging of the gaze. The eye area is particularly delicate in how much the skin is thinner and consequently more exposed to aggressions of external and internal factors such as the sun, the signs of aging and stress. All these elements tend to weigh down the eyelid area thus creating a skin accumulation both on the upper part of the eye, as well as on the lower one. Cosmetic surgery aimed at rejuvenating the face, but above all at correcting some defects, such as those small, but insidious folds of excess eyelid skin, Blepharoplasty.

But what is it? 

Blepharoplasty surgery, more commonly known as cosmetic eyelid surgery, is a surgical procedure that allows you to correct facial defects such as dark circles, bags of fat, restoring a rejuvenated face and a more  fresh and a clear improvement of the visual field. Blepharoplasty is indicated for all patients who, regardless of age, need to restore a more fresh and rested to the eye. There are no age limits for undergoing i to this type of intervention.

Blepharoplasty it can be performed on the upper or lower eyelid or both (complete blepharoplasty). 

The results? 

A fresher, brighter, less tired and less burdened look. Blepharoplasty, when and if necessary, can be combined with other methods to correct the outer side of the eyes which, if oriented downwards, causes a sad and tired expression. Blepharoplasty must be performed by a specialist in this field: it can also be conducted on an outpatient basis, it does not require hospitalization and as soon as it is finished it allows the patient to return home. Always make sure in advance of the proven professionalism and of the clear reputation of the cosmetic and / or plastic surgeon who will perform the operation in an equipped facility and who respects the prophylaxis and hygiene and disinfection procedures of the operating environments.

Are you thinking of undergoing a blepharoplasty? Contact prof. Francesco D'Andrea for more information. 

The information contained in this site is of an informative and generic nature, therefore it must only be used for educational purposes and NOT for diagnosis on oneself or on third parties, NOT for therapeutic purposes, NOT for self-medication. In NO EVENT does the information on this site replace the opinion of a doctor. Therefore, visitors are encouraged to contact their doctor IN ANY CASE for opinions on their state of health and on any therapies to be adopted. The photos shown are purely indicative and the results may vary from patient to patient. The site managers do not assume any responsibility for damages, of any nature, that the user, drawing information from this site, could cause to himself or to third parties, deriving from improper or illegal use of the information contained in this site, or from errors and inaccuracies relating to their content, or from free interpretations, or from any action that the user of the site can undertake independently and separately from the indications of their doctor. No guarantee or accuracy is given for the information contained on this website.

Copyright. All Rights reserved by Prof. Francesco D'Andrea

Prof. Francesco D'Andrea

Il Prof. Francesco D'Andrea si è laureato con lode nel 1982, ed ha conseguito il titolo di specialista in Chirurgia Plastica nel 1987. Lo stesso anno ha vinto il concorso di ricercatore presso l'Università degli Studi di Reggio Calabria e nel 1989 con tale qualifica si è trasferito presso l'università "La Sapienza" di Roma. Nel 1991 ha vinto il concorso di professore associato di Chirurgia Plastica presso l'Università di Reggio Calabria. Con tale qualifica si è trasferito presso la Seconda Università di Napoli. Dal 2001 è professore ordinario e direttore della scuola di specializzazione di Chirurgia Plastica presso la Seconda Università di Napoli, e coordinatore di un dottorato di ricerca. È stato vincitore di premi e borse in ambito nazionale. E' stato responsabile di progetti di ricerca MURST (1992-1993-1994-1995-1996-1997) e di progetti di ricerca di ateneo (2001-2002). E' coordinatore nazionale di un PRIN per l'anno 2004-6. Ha svolto diversi soggiorni all'estero (Inghilterra, USA, Spagna, Svezia, Finlandia) di cui alcuni di lunga durata, ed è abilitato all'esercizio della professione in Inghilterra. Ha organizzato ed ha partecipato all'organizzazione di congressi nazionali ed internazionali della specialità. È segretario della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica, Ricostruttiva ed Estetica, e membro della International Society of Plastic Surgery e di numerose società scientifiche affini nazionali ed internazionali, ricoprendo in alcune di queste incarichi ufficiali. E' presidente dell'Accademia Campana di Chirurgia Plastica ed Estetica. E' autore di oltre 120 pubblicazioni su riviste nazionali ed internazionali, molte indicizzate e con fattore di impatto
